Monday, 13 June 2011

Visiting My Uncle in Prison Tommorow

In the morning im heading off on coach down south to visit my Uncle in jail.  He's locked up again on breach of licence accused of burglary & handling stolen goods. looking at 4 years, my Unc has spent most of his life in prison in and out...around 15yrs, so he's served the equivelant of what some people serve for murder.  Im not condoning burglaries, they devestate lives.  Ive done a number of burglaries myself, too many, but my rule was always strictly office's & shipping containers
anyway my auntie says he's feeling about as low as you can get because he feels like he's let everyone down again, he's brought it on himself so i dont feel much sympathy, as i dont really feel all that much sympathy for myself either, but if i can help the guy out then all the better.

Before he went back inside on remand awaiting trial, he spent some of the longest time he's been on the outside in a while, going on holiday, having security, you know....normal shit.  But he's got wrapped up in it all again.

I aint never visited a prison before, to be honest me and my Unc have never been that close, as like i say, he's usually in lock up.  I kept what is happening to myself quiet untill i found out my uncle had been banged up again...he's been inside a couple months and wern't coping well, so i decided to tell my Auntie what was happening to me, and to pass him on a message that im travelling down to see him and to make a booking for me.  She said it helped him to know im facing the same sort of stuff, not in any malicious way atall, just because he must realize that atleast whats coming to him he knows what to expect, where as i am facing the unknown....guess it made him feel a little less sorry for himself which is good.

I'm looking forward to tommorow, ive been on a night time curfew for the past 4 months so have been pretty much under house arrest all this time...the police lifted it when i answered bail, but yeah it was good of the officer to lift that cos now atleast i can have a couple of days out without worryin bout breakin bail restrictions. 

Sunday, 12 June 2011

A week after my first court appearance

Ive appeared at court for the first time since my arrest, which is now spanning some 4 months.  4 months of alot of sleepless nights, believe you and me.  But its giving me some good time to get my shit prepared...
in court i was charged with:

Class A with intent to supply X 1
Class A possession X 1
Class C with intent to supply X 2
Class C possession X 2.

Im going not guilty on the Class C's with Intent, so hopefully the prosecution will drop these based on having me on a Class A with intent, guilty plea bargain.  I have not entered a Plea at my first court appearance, as i have been advised to go "No Indication as to Plea" based on solictor advice, as the crown did not have all the evidence available, to bring forward.

I now have 3 more court dates, so it could take alot longer than i expected to be sentenced, upto another 5 long motherfukin months.  So by the time this is at the high court it will be upto 9 months from the date of crime for me to be sent about a waste of taxpayers money, they've had 4 months to bring a case against me properly when it is pretty blatant that i was dealing.

The prosecutor at the first appearance was a snotty nosed bitch, she was about 5'0 and subject to a very heavy pre-menstual episode, im not normally derogatory to women, but she didn't even look at me once during the whole proceeding, and blew everything out of proportion, trying to make me sound like some kind of kingpin Pablo Escobar with kilo's and kilo's of the shit.  Granted it weren't simple street dealing, but to seize my luggage scales from my house then ask how i got the money to pay for them when they were like 3.99 is ridiculous, what planet are these people on?....*sigh*

But i guess that is the job of the prosecution, they delve into every aspect and make it seem bigger to secure a longer conviction.  You shout at your dog "Animal Abuser", You cross the road before the little man turns green "Endangering Lives", You bump into a female in the street "Sexual Assault", i couldn't sleep at night doing that personally, but 'Kay Sera Sera', its upto the defence to play it down just as much, which is where the term comes into play "The Scales of Justice"

Im not gonna lie, this is all quite exciting even if one of the scariest things anyone could possibly go through.  Now its just a waiting game....